Abdominal pain refers to the pain that occurs between the chest and the groin, which is called the abdomen. There are several causes of abdominal pain, some being more serious than others. Indigestion and gas are some common causes of abdominal pain that aren’t serious, while hepatitis and cancer are some of the more serious causes of pain in your abdomen.
If you notice consistent and severe pain around your abdomen, it might be a sign for you to seek medical help. Speak to a professional at Cypress abdominal pain about your symptoms to determine what may be causing you discomfort. Here are a few causes of abdominal pain you should look out for.
Causes of abdominal pain
There are less serious causes that sometimes go away on their own without needing medical intervention and are also the most common, while the serious ones require immediate medical attention. Some causes are acute, and some are chronic. Usually, the chronic ones need to be checked by a professional because of their persistence.
Some common causes of abdominal pain:
- Gas
- Food poisoning
- Period cramps
- Stomach flu
- UTI (Urinary Tract Infection)
- GERD (Gastroesophageal Reflux Disease)
Some serious causes of abdominal pain:
- Liver cancer
- Hepatitis
- Heart attack
- Kidney cancer
- Hernia
- Ovarian cysts
When to seek medical help
Contact your doctor right away if you notice any of these symptoms along with your abdominal pain:
- Persistent discomfort in your abdomen lasting for a week or longer
- Burning sensation while peeing
- Bloating that lasts for more than a few days
- Prolonged vaginal bleeding
- Consistent fever
- Diarrhea lasting throughout a week
- Jaundice
If your pain is mild, you can take some steps at home to relieve yourself from the pain such as:
- Drink water or other fluids and keep your body hydrated. If you are diabetic, you should keep checking your blood sugar levels frequently and adjust your medicines as required.
- Do not eat solid foods for a few hours as solid foods take longer to be digested and can make your symptoms and the pain worse.
- Avoid dairy foods, especially if you are vomiting, because dairy products cause bloating, diarrhea, and vomiting, so staying away from dairy products for a while will be better for your body.
- Avoid acidic, greasy, and fatty foods such as bananas, tomatoes, fries, dark chocolates, eggs, etc., as they aggravate heartburn and pain and cause indigestion. Do not consume carbonated drinks, caffeine, or alcohol.
- Strictly avoid taking any medicines without consulting a doctor, as that may make your situation worse.
- Antacids might help with the pain if you feel it high up in your abdomen.