Many songs are easier to understand if you don’t understand the words, but not all songs can be understood without knowing the lyrics. Music is a kind of discourse between musical elements, rather than meaningless speech. It’s not about identifying the meaning of a word, but about discovering the feeling or style of a song and knowing how it fits into the music. If you’ve ever tried to understand a song but weren’t able to understand its lyrics, there’s a good chance you’ll still enjoy it.
While the artist may have an idea of what a song means, it’s unlikely that he or she knows the full meaning. Many songs are merely a way for the artist to express themselves, with lyrics conveying a certain mood. However, understanding a song’s lyrics will help you appreciate it more. It can also help you interpret a song’s tone or character, or even a larger issue.
If you’re wondering how to understand a song without understanding the lyrics, you’ll want to try learning a Spanish colloquialism. “Pa’ que?” means “for what.” This is a great way to learn the language and its slang. “Pa’ que?” is an example of a song with a unique language, so it’s an excellent place to start. The song tells a story about a taxi driver and a woman who’s crying. The story contains dialogue, a twist ending, and little repetition.